
Watch for us on America Now!

Posted by on Oct 22, 2013 in home | 0 comments

Watch for us on America Now!

What a day! NBC’s America Now sent a crew to our facility to interview us regarding service dog training and the problem with phony service dogs that don’t have proper certification. They filmed and interviewed for over 5 hours as we took them through the workings of how a service dog is trained. As we currently have several service dogs in training, we were able to show them a couple of dogs trained for people with physical disabilities. The dogs picked up dropped items as well as opened cabinets, retrieved the item requested, delivered the items to the client and closed the cabinet. We also showed America Now how service dogs can be trained to detect allergens such as peanuts for a child with peanut allergies as well as a diabetic alert dog being trained to alert the family when their 11 year old daughter has either high or low blood sugar.

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